What is this page?

So, a shoin (show-een) is a room designated for writing and literary arts, or one that is designed to pay homage to those arts. They're popular as tea rooms as well-- refined, cultured spaces in fine houses with enough space to do it. I don't have that kind of physical space, but I'm making this one here as a location to air my own work at writing and culture, primarily about life and work as a performance studies and theatre academic, one who looks at fashion and Japan and 'Japanese tea.'

If you look farther back, you'll see that this shoin has been remodeled from an earlier iteration in which Damian and I were keeping some links and thoughts about tea in general. Who knows, that could come back too from time to time. Space is plastic.

I like talking and discussing ideas more than I like writing them. If you had thoughts on what you see here, I'd be happy to hear them.


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